Vibrant Educational Mentorship


HIPL creating excellence through UDs

Dschang,UDs/SIC-04/12/23. The University of Dschang in its quest as an entrepreneurial university and a renowned citadel of knowledge in Cameroon, Central and Sub-Saharan Africa has extended its tentacles to other Private Institution of Higher Learning (PIHL) nationwide. As of  the 8th Novemeber 2023 UDs had  fifty two (52) Private Institutes of Higher Education (PIHL) under its academic mentorship which dates back as 2004. Radiating its knowledge in the field of professional and research bachelor and Masters programmes, the University of Dschang has PIHL around the country with most of them situated in the Littoral, Center, East, North West, South west and West regions of the country. Examination and catch-up sessions are scrupulously followed by the Private Institutions of Learning as they partake in the solemn closing and proclamation of results ceremony at the University of Dschang during which transcripts and success testimonials are handed over to students.

The administration and performance of educational activities in these PIHL are due to the regulations set on board by UDs in line with strict MINESUP supervision. In 2016, a protocol for the implementation of framework agreements and specific conventions was signed by all parties with amendments made at the beginning of June 2023.

One of the most remarkable, experiences during this exam session is undoubtedly the creation of correction centers out of Dschang. UDs supervises the entire process to the obtaining of certificates: expertise of programs and tests, control of examination conditions, supervision of corrections, chairs admission juries, etc.  Thus a PIHL under its supervision must be trained and evaluated under the same conditions and performance.

Across its national boundaries, the University of Dschang one of the most national university is also solicited by PIHL in Central Africa and the Great Lakes (Gabon, DRC, Chad). The ambition of UDs is to help give value to the New University Governance. This contribution is particularly aimed at improving the quality of the national higher education. /