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    Handing over Ceremony of computers to UDs

    The date of 16th of February 2018 will be boldly written in the annals of the officials and especially students of the University of Dschang marking the handing over of the gift of computers to students from the Head of State, Presi...

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    Prestation de serment

    Les étudiants de l’UDs réaffirment leur adhésion aux idéaux qui gouvernent leur institution

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Journées scientifiques et culturelles

Les rideaux de la première édition se referment

Dschang, SIC /UDS -03/11/16. Pendant une semaine, l’université de Dschang a vibré au rythme des activités scientifiques et culturelles. L’occasion a été offerte à chacun de ses sept établissements de présenter à la communauté uni..

Academic activities of FASA annex in Bafia kick starts

Students enjoined to explore academic excellence

Dschang,SIC/UDs-01/11/16. The ceremony to launch the kick-off of academic activities of the annex of the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences in Bafia held at the ceremonial ground in Bafia at 11.00 am on the 1st of November 2016


COMMUNIQUE The Rector of the University of Dschang, informs the entire university community that the UK Government has opened the applications for the 2017/2018 Chevening Scholarships programme. Applications for a Chevening Scholarship must be submitted online at www.chevening.org and the deadline for receipt..

Scientific and Cultural open door week 2016/2017

UDs showcases prowess

Dschang, SIC/UDs-27/10/16. The University of Dschang on the 27th of October 2016 launched its Scientific and Cultural week for the year 2016/2017.This event which runs to the 3rd November 2016 celebrates the scientific and cultural richness of the university through vari..

Closing ceremony of FETUC 2016

Resolutions propel national integration

Dschang,SIC/UDs -28/10/16. The Student Forum of Cameroon Universities held in the university conference hall from the 27-28th of October 2016 came to an end with participants from the various State and private institutions of Higher learning satisfie..

FETUC 2016

National Integration, Patriotism and Development

Dschang SIC/UDs 27/10/16. The 7th edition of the Student Forum of Cameroon Universities took place at the Conference hall of the University at 1.00am. The 2 day forum held under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education drew together stu..

3 day Colloquium ends

Participants satisfied with results

Dschang, SIC/UDs-27/10/16. The three day colloquium under the theme Dschang: A centenary town ended with satisfaction from the participants and partners as the platform for rewriting the history of the legendary town was achieved. During the closing ceremon..

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