3rd Book fair at the FMPS


Encouraging the concept of one book one student

Dschang,UDs/SIC-09/1/24.The Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Dschang organized a 3-day book fair which began on Tuesday, January 9, 2024. This 3rd edition of its kind at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical sciences targeted students, lecturers, doctors and paramedical staff from far and near. The event which took place in hall 208 of the faculty saw over 1000 Medical books displayed at very affordable prices. The initiative stemmed from the partnership between FMPS and a humanitarian Association (PACA Cameroun-MEDJOWE) spearheaded and founded by Dr FONDOP Joseph of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Dschang.

The partnership which is an opportunity for students and lecturers to acquire books at relatively affordable prices cover only the cost of transportation. The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof Choukem Simeon Pierre during the opening ceremony reiterated that the timing of the fair will help the students to prepare better before examinations as well as avail themselves the opportunity to equip their personal libraries. This will serve as a platform for purchase   for doctors, pharmacists and other medical personnel out of Dschang. It is worth noting that, the association offers prize awards to the best students at all levels and promotions and provides a cluster of books for the faculty and Central library; thus projecting the institutions’ reputation and societal responsibility.

For Dr FONDOP, founder of the Association, he highlighted that the initiative was born in Marseille in France, from students of that institution who handed over their medical books to the association at the end of their competitive examinations. As such, FMPS being a young faculty with its impressive performance at the national competitive examinations the association was propelled to encourage excellence and promote education through such a book fair. To this effect Dr Fondop underscored that all the prices for the students of UDs stand at 75% discount and from the 5th book at 50 % discount. There are prospects to contact Anglo Saxon universities in the future to extend such opportunities to those of English backgrounds.

As part of this book fair, prizes were offered to the five best anatomy drawings produced by the students with the best students from each discipline receiving a book of their choice from the Dean. The symbolic gesture aims at encouraging and rewarding academic excellence within the faculty. This 3rd edition of the book fair organized by the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences is a bench mark for academic success for students of the faculty. /

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